File: 1375115172877.jpg-(38 KB, 720x577, Luke.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:26:12 No.496397562 Replies: >>496404023 >>496408451 >>496409130 >>496411401 >>496414249 >>496420501

>be living on Tatooine with asshole aunt and uncle
>make me door stupid chores all the time
>never lets me hang out with my friends
>last week I was bulls-eyeing womprats in my t16 and I get fucking grounded

fuck my life

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:28:48 No.496397853
File: 1375115328384.jpg-(41 KB, 640x430, c3po.jpg)

>be protocol droid
>be built by Darth Vader

what a coincidence

Anonymous (ID: iAeSfhHp) 07/29/13(Mon)12:30:07 No.496398007

I like where this is going

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:31:27 No.496398138 Replies: >>496404395
File: 1375115487786.jpg-(492 KB, 640x816, Maul.jpg)

>badass as fuck
>train my entire life to kill jedi scum
>say only five words ever
>swing around a two-sided lightsaber
>get chopped in half by a fucking padawan

Anonymous (ID: JnsH0h26) 07/29/13(Mon)12:31:43 No.496398175 Replies: >>496398274
File: 1375115503223.jpg-(36 KB, 500x493, 551877_536751709708427_97(...).jpg)


Anonymous (ID: JnsH0h26) 07/29/13(Mon)12:32:23 No.496398274
File: 1375115543642.jpg-(17 KB, 192x192, trekitout.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:33:33 No.496398429
File: 1375115613162.jpg-(57 KB, 395x550, Wampa.jpg)

>be me in my cave.
>chillin out, literally, its fucking sub zero
>i see this kid walkin out there
>what the fuck is this kid doin near my cave
>fine, this kid isnt leaving
>i club him over the head and take his sweet ride.
>killed and ate his ride
>figured it be funny if i hang this tard upside down in my crib.
>this tard wakes up, then uses fuckin magnets or some shit to get his beamy thing
>fuckin cuts my arm off
>i guess getting my arm cut off is what i get for pulling a practical joke.

Anonymous (ID: DdyfemaZ) 07/29/13(Mon)12:33:36 No.496398435 Replies: >>496401212 >>496401820 >>496408659 >>496411747 >>496413353 >>496420306
File: 1375115616855.png-(107 KB, 249x248, Alderaan250ppx.png)


Anonymous (ID: 1Q5Z/Okf) 07/29/13(Mon)12:33:54 No.496398472
File: 1375115634616.jpg-(187 KB, 493x722, 1373243035292.jpg)

>sell a protocol droid and an r2 unit to a respectable family on tatooine
>20 mins later get some imperial heat
>they want all our droids
>we say bagado
>bitches be laughing that i burned this storm trooper pleb
>they blast our shit to fuck
>mfw im dead

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:35:56 No.496398754
File: 1375115756390.jpg-(31 KB, 341x247, ftfgf.jpg)

>be imperial scout
>drive badass floating motorbike
>chase some punks through a forest
>tree outta fucking nowhere

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)12:36:25 No.496398810
File: 1375115785014.jpg-(53 KB, 473x541, hansayswhatevah.jpg)

>run stolen shit all over the galaxy
>steal from Jabba the Hutt
>fuck Luke's sister

Anonymous (ID: 5UERGDAw) 07/29/13(Mon)12:36:45 No.496398857

>make me door stupid chores all the time

>make me door stupid chores

>door stupid chores

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:37:31 No.496398967 Replies: >>496399215 >>496407409 >>496408206 >>496425043 >>496429175
File: 1375115851818.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1920x816, Porkins.jpg)

>fat fuck, no one takes me seriously
>call me names behind my back
>piggy, porkins
>cut all contact, delete from spacebook, hit gym
>join rebellion
>graduate pilot training
>be fighting empire in ace squadron
>be right with Red 3
>have problem
>I'm all right
>mfw am not all right

Anonymous (ID: 7rrSzdlL) 07/29/13(Mon)12:37:47 No.496399007 Replies: >>496399250 >>496423947

>be star in awesome movie about midevil catholicism in space with swords made of light and knights and fucking magic and shit
>complete first movie
>make bank
>get in really bad car wreck
>get horribly disfigured to the point that i never have another job outside of my current space knights contract
>turns out i have to make the guy rewrite part of the story just so they can justify my absolute train wreck of a face

Anonymous (ID: XsyEGx/Q) 07/29/13(Mon)12:39:22 No.496399215
File: 1375115962877.jpg-(15 KB, 350x335, lol 1.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: DdyfemaZ) 07/29/13(Mon)12:39:40 No.496399250
File: 1375115980411.jpg-(38 KB, 649x638, 1369552381266.jpg)

>mfw it ends up being deleted scene

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:40:01 No.496399294
File: 1375116001468.jpg-(466 KB, 688x994, BobaFett.jpg)

>watch my father die by a nigger.
>get eaten by fucking asshole of a shit planet while trying to catch a gay teen with a laser stick

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:41:57 No.496399532 Replies: >>496399925 >>496403085
File: 1375116117239.png-(839 KB, 750x816, Malakili.png)

>be 37
>learning disability
>never had a job before
>get job working with animals in some bigshot celeb's basement
>no air-conditioning, hot as balls
>take off shirt and wear it like a hat, lawrence of arabia-style
>some sick fuck slams a door on the boss's favorite pet
>know I'll never get another job
>mfw the boss sees me shirtless, sweaty, and crying over the dead body of his pet

CAPTCHA: jailer ensaveo

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:43:43 No.496399750 Replies: >>496399925 >>496409656
File: 1375116223924.jpg-(38 KB, 400x247, Space Slug.jpg)

>be exogorth space slug
>chillin in my asteroid
>something flies into my mouth
>don't care, too stoned
>fuckers start shooting my tongue
>mfw too stoned to catch them

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)12:44:59 No.496399906 Replies: >>496402708
File: 1375116299348.gif-(116 KB, 360x515, r2d2.gif)

>Cursed so much they bleeped out every word I said
>Probably because I didn't get that memory wipe

Anonymous (ID: XsyEGx/Q) 07/29/13(Mon)12:45:08 No.496399925
File: 1375116308405.jpg-(49 KB, 491x404, toplel.jpg)

this just keeps getting better!

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:45:37 No.496399987 Replies: >>496401608 >>496412021 >>496413310 >>496423595
File: 1375116337942.jpg-(36 KB, 300x300, ewok.jpg)

>finds 8/10 bitch in forest
>takes her to my tree-house
>braids her hair
>mfw beta as fuck

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:48:54 No.496400407
File: 1375116534682.jpg-(29 KB, 287x403, DrEvazan.jpg)

>be wanted man
>have death sentence in 12 systems
>contract vagina-eye from some ho
>go to bar to get drink with a friend
>betafag pisses off my friend
>try to make sure my friend is all right
>mfw when my friend is all left
>fucking watever I'm drunk

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:51:13 No.496400741 Replies: >>496401057
File: 1375116673422.jpg-(42 KB, 856x480, anh05_2.jpg)

>be high ranking imperial officer
>be euphoric not because of some hokey religion but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence
>call out religious nutjob on his bullshit

Anonymous (ID: KIfjIXOS) 07/29/13(Mon)12:52:11 No.496400880 Replies: >>496401297 >>496403593 >>496425696
File: 1375116731671.jpg-(8 KB, 208x242, jabba.jpg)

>Be me
>Be ikowajalla comoettaba
>habawoo jeewalla kimbala
>OH hohohoho...
>Shit was so cash

Anonymous (ID: utuznGya) 07/29/13(Mon)12:52:26 No.496400926


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:53:31 No.496401057 Replies: >>496413832
File: 1375116811511.jpg-(17 KB, 406x317, Motti.jpg)


>mfw fucking religion is real

Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)12:54:06 No.496401128
File: 1375116846215.jpg-(66 KB, 342x342, photo.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: KIfjIXOS) 07/29/13(Mon)12:54:44 No.496401212

underrated post
top lel

Anonymous (ID: utEJqm4Z) 07/29/13(Mon)12:55:24 No.496401297
File: 1375116924953.jpg-(23 KB, 395x387, 1.jpg)


Best one so far.

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:57:12 No.496401528 Replies: >>496403452 >>496403737
File: 1375117032546.png-(1.61 MB, 1920x1080, yoda-dagobah.png)

>chilling at my shitty swamp house be
>crashes his ship in my pool some asshole does
>great warrior seeks
>free piggy back rides
>when over 9000, not look so good will he
>mfw immortal helpdesk

Anonymous (ID: 1Q5Z/Okf) 07/29/13(Mon)12:57:23 No.496401552
File: 1375117043163.jpg-(89 KB, 500x738, filming the opening.jpg)

>be text that assimilates itself and travels through space and time
>bitch be reading me like non stop
>most recognized text ever
>tfw no Pulitzer

Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)12:57:28 No.496401564
File: 1375117048558.jpg-(110 KB, 287x299, photo.jpg)

>be me
>badass podracer
>scary alligator face
>sharp ass teeth
>be in big race
>be on holo screen 8 seconds
>Fuckin crash
>fuckin 9 year old wins the whole thing
>whatever, im an unlockable in the video game

Anonymous (ID: j6jZLizD) 07/29/13(Mon)12:57:46 No.496401608

This is gold.

Anonymous (ID: XsyEGx/Q) 07/29/13(Mon)12:59:12 No.496401820
File: 1375117152383.gif-(954 KB, 285x235, chang milk spew.gif)

oh shit, didn't see the file-name before now.

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)12:59:46 No.496401908
File: 1375117186601.jpg-(21 KB, 732x502, tie esb.jpg)

>be fucking pro TIE fighter pilot
>heading out to deal with some terrorists
>boss wants to come with
>fly next to him so he doesn't fucking crash
>get clear shot at this hotrod rebel pilot
>he wants to take it
>mfw he takes so long that some other faggot gets there and shoots me down

Anonymous (ID: vDmQuJkZ) 07/29/13(Mon)13:00:58 No.496402070 Replies: >>496402335
File: 1375117258464.jpg-(47 KB, 470x280, Lando6-2.jpg)

>be owner of Bespin
>rich as fuck
>Empire takes over
>try to save my cash and hoes
>sell out some asshole who screwed me over back in the day
>fuckers alter the deal
>tell me to pray they won't alter it further
>fuckno.jpg switch sides like the nigger I am
>rebels give me a medal

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:01:20 No.496402124 Replies: >>496402335
File: 1375117280544.jpg-(78 KB, 615x435, lando.jpg)

>Sold out my friends to the Empire
>Played both sides like a nigger
>Stole Han's clothes
>Admiral Ackbar gets the famous one-liner

Anonymous (ID: KIfjIXOS) 07/29/13(Mon)13:03:02 No.496402335

dem fuckin hiveminds

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:03:16 No.496402358 Replies: >>496402412 >>496404010
File: 1375117396354.jpg-(38 KB, 444x288, Tusken Raider.jpg)

>be Tusken Raider
>easily startled
>run away
>come back in greater numbers
>where the fuck did they go

Anonymous (ID: QxbUehjY) 07/29/13(Mon)13:03:17 No.496402363 Replies: >>496411307
File: 1375117397546.png-(187 KB, 960x518, Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at(...).png)

I'm lazy

Anonymous (ID: Au/RUqGl) 07/29/13(Mon)13:03:52 No.496402412


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:06:03 No.496402678
File: 1375117563145.jpg-(57 KB, 272x272, Nien_Nunb_JKTCG.jpg)

>be a sullustan
>everyone makes fun of the way I look
>chink, nigger lips, vagface, sperglord

Ima just seppuku right now guiez I have
dishonored my famiry

Anonymous (ID: O5bnaJ+r) 07/29/13(Mon)13:06:16 No.496402708

>>496399906 infinity & beyond!

Anonymous (ID: 1Q5Z/Okf) 07/29/13(Mon)13:07:40 No.496402868
File: 1375117660173.png-(1.54 MB, 1920x1080, u should just jump.png)

>try to save friends on a city in the clouds
>some dick dressed in all black tries to fight me
>my body is ready
>im doing good i got this shit in the bag
>fucking guy chops my hand off
>tells me he's my father
>might as well just jump into a bottomless shaft

Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)13:08:43 No.496403005 Replies: >>496403471 >>496430362
File: 1375117723458.jpg-(89 KB, 320x300, photo.jpg)

>be me
>sit in same place all day
>be a posse for a fat fucking slug
>have graduate degree in mathematics
>realize I'm nothing more than a pet
>my life has lost meaning
>no one even knows my fucking name
>I am Salacious B. Crumb
>no one understands me

Anonymous (ID: gy2sKCoK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:08:49 No.496403009
File: 1375117729100.jpg-(19 KB, 397x287, lando.jpg)

>Be successful nigga
>Have everything I want
>Chilling at my crib on Bespin
>Lord Vader visits.
>Make a deal with him, dont care.
>Old "friend" comes with 8/10 girl, my last ship and some other guys...
>Dam gurl.jpg
>Try and sweet talk to girl.
>Girl wont put out.
>Vader takes best friend.
>Take opportunity to try and impress girl.
>Get out of Bespin, lose my job, lose my home...
>Join rebellion and go look for my friend.
>MFW I found my friend months ago on Tatooine but wont tell anybody cuz I got my ship, my friends friend and im close to banging his gf.

Anonymous (ID: cRCZ5pIF) 07/29/13(Mon)13:09:27 No.496403085

I actually felt bad for that guy
I always did

Anonymous (ID: Au/RUqGl) 07/29/13(Mon)13:09:34 No.496403098
File: 1375117774221.jpg-(101 KB, 700x379, 56654344344.jpg)

>Be best pod racer on Tatooine
>freed slave
>bitches n' hoes galore
>race all these newfags
>in first place
>mfw when some pleb slave boy beats me
>Yoka to Bantha poodoo!

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:09:47 No.496403132
File: 1375117787962.jpg-(17 KB, 200x265, Jjportrait.jpg)

>dey needsa gungan forda big role in da firsa prequel
>i shows upsa work a derk high as fucksa
>herkin and derkin an' big boss lucas-man tellin me no worka for me
>called da lawyer man saidsa gotsa tell lucas-man havea contract isa racial discriminimination wooooooo!
>dis bout da time equal oppo'tunity isa big dealo!
>off mysa rocka munchies ona frogs n' shitsa yo gettin paid and still in da movie!

Anonymous (ID: 4lZnP4rd) 07/29/13(Mon)13:10:36 No.496403245
File: 1375117836818.jpg-(199 KB, 1024x768, Anakin-Skywalker-anakin-s(...).jpg)

>be jedi, prodigy, pilot, etc all the hookups
>cool robo hand
>hot gf
>try to save her
>nigger gets in my way
>idontgiveafuck.jpg kill him
>gf breaks up with me
>all my limbs cut off

Anonymous (ID: utuznGya) 07/29/13(Mon)13:12:14 No.496403452

>Free piggy back rides

Anonymous (ID: j6jZLizD) 07/29/13(Mon)13:12:20 No.496403471

Oh my god

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:12:59 No.496403568
File: 1375117979897.jpg-(155 KB, 290x406, Royal_Guard.jpg)

>Have the most bitchin' attire in the Empire
>Seen for a total of 5 minutes in the entire series
>Would mow down Anakin, Luke, Obi Wan, and Yoda all at once
>Never got the chance

Anonymous (ID: VmjahcrG) 07/29/13(Mon)13:13:14 No.496403593 Replies: >>496408037
File: 1375117994705.jpg-(59 KB, 528x560, 1330912399902.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:13:18 No.496403604 Replies: >>496404353
File: 1375117998221.jpg-(34 KB, 405x300, tauntaun2.jpg)

>be me
>smell worse on the inside than the outside
>run around in the cold all day
>mfw i have to carry this fucking idiot from a desert planet

Anonymous (ID: VmjahcrG) 07/29/13(Mon)13:14:21 No.496403737
File: 1375118061980.jpg-(76 KB, 798x604, 1305955386344.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:16:12 No.496403954 Replies: >>496404249 >>496407837 >>496414178 >>496414247
File: 1375118172918.jpg-(271 KB, 1000x975, Stormtrooper.jpg)

>on guard duty on the death star
>telling the guys about the new bt-16
>then some fuckers try and break out the princess
>we get sent up to deal with it
>bonk my klonker on the fucking door
>bump the size of a wookies testicle on my head
>start blasting some motherfuckers
>can't see shit in this helmet
>miss at point blank range
>they get away

Anonymous (ID: VmjahcrG) 07/29/13(Mon)13:16:41 No.496404010
File: 1375118201591.jpg-(30 KB, 291x364, sand hurple.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: 8PFXPBUR) 07/29/13(Mon)13:16:47 No.496404023 Replies: >>496404473

>>496397562 (OP)
>make me door stupid chores all the time
>make me door

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:18:37 No.496404249

>bonk my klonker on the fucking door.


Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)13:19:16 No.496404353

Fucking lold

Anonymous (ID: e+pw0xhO) 07/29/13(Mon)13:19:37 No.496404395 Replies: >>496408276

He actually survived that.

And went on to become a fucking badass immortal Zabrak-Cyborg.

Anonymous (ID: FyerVmhT) 07/29/13(Mon)13:20:04 No.496404473

>inb4 dinosaur

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:21:03 No.496404587
File: 1375118463169.jpg-(21 KB, 448x418, 806790-jinn6.jpg)

>be a jedi master
>get a fucking by-the-book nerd as padawan
>he can't fight for shit
>always complaining
>finally met a small kid with great potential
>take him to the jedi council
>too old
>this cant be fucking happening
>evil Sith turns up, he has a fucking double-lasered lightsaber, and the only guy with me is my useless padawan, shit, I'm getting the fuck out of here
>this fight is turning into shit
>come and help me, just destroy the ray generators
>i'm fucking dying over here, nigger
>you better take care of that kid you useless sack of shit

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:22:07 No.496404748
File: 1375118527531.jpg-(16 KB, 547x410, obiwan.jpg)

>Find some little bastard on the outer rim with midi-chlorians out the ass
>Learns to use the force faster than anyone
>Become his mentor
>Save each other's lives numerous times
>Almost kills his pregnant wife
>Thinks I'm the bad guy
>Becomes the biggest asshole in the galaxy
>Better go into hiding
>I was the only actor that made the new movies slightly bearable

Anonymous (ID: pwWfPpxH) 07/29/13(Mon)13:22:54 No.496404852 Replies: >>496405024 >>496406965 >>496410137 >>496412657
File: 1375118574770.jpg-(89 KB, 530x556, Wookies.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:23:41 No.496404949 Replies: >>496405026 >>496405403
File: 1375118621785.jpg-(69 KB, 450x225, fml.jpg)

>start re-building the death star
>rebels hiding like the faggots they are
>we catch wind of a plan to destroy the shield generator on endor
>plan a cheeky ambush
>take the rebel scum by surprise
>job done
>i hear these horns blasting out
>da fuq?
>teddy bears everywhere
>arrows penetrate my armour
>why the fuck do we even wear it
>helmet used as a drum

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:24:20 No.496405020 Replies: >>496410150 >>496410354 >>496414168
File: 1375118660551.png-(188 KB, 250x417, 250px-TK-421[1].png)

>be Stormtrooper designation TK-421
>be at work, standing for hours on end as usual, waiting for something to happen
>some ship arrives, nobody on board apparently
>Some guys go in to scan
>They call down and say they need a hand
>I go up
>Next thing I remember, I wake up in the infirmary and my head and asshole hurt like hell.

Anonymous (ID: dEfBi+Vg) 07/29/13(Mon)13:24:22 No.496405024

saw this. immediate lol.

Anonymous (ID: ZraPoq2F) 07/29/13(Mon)13:24:23 No.496405026

>plan a cheeky ambush

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:24:52 No.496405084
File: 1375118692618.jpg-(275 KB, 980x1203, Chewbaccaheadshot.jpg)





Anonymous (ID: jQvlGhAN) 07/29/13(Mon)13:26:35 No.496405310 Replies: >>496405952

Roasting in epic bread

Anonymous (ID: ENL8ITXG) 07/29/13(Mon)13:27:07 No.496405385 Replies: >>496405617
File: 1375118827041.jpg-(6 KB, 300x168, zxcfvbghjk.jpg)

suffers from suveir trauma because of accident
has asma
used to belive in jesus now im my own god
the force is strong in me, and its evil feels good man
goes to job fights with lightsaber chucks down
oldfart that disapers in his cape
strangles, officer that has doubt in the force
misses son and daughter
most daughter
saves up money for a boobjob for daughter
blows up stuff mosly other worlds
lives on a deathstar gets pretty boring around here
some says i have a scary voice
i just ran out of mentos
dont write in greentext because im fucking

Anonymous (ID: Jsq+2b3j) 07/29/13(Mon)13:27:18 No.496405403

>arrows penetrate my armour
>why the fuck do we even wear it

This is the best thread ever!

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:27:47 No.496405468 Replies: >>496410354 >>496413838 >>496413975
File: 1375118867225.png-(625 KB, 700x816, Pondababa.png)

>be me
>in bar, drinking
>trying to get some bitches to suck on my nutsack chin
>friend is being a drunk dickweed as usual
>old man comes up to me
>fucking cuts my hand off
>nobody does anything about it

Anonymous (ID: dEfBi+Vg) 07/29/13(Mon)13:28:15 No.496405524 Replies: >>496406964 >>496414882

you know its threads like these that make me think we can get back to doing this stuff on /b/ instead of calling everybody cancer, newfag, summerfag, and the like.

Anonymous (ID: Au/RUqGl) 07/29/13(Mon)13:29:04 No.496405617 Replies: >>496410274

>can't green text
>claims to be "dart vader"
>fuckin newfag

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:29:46 No.496405707
File: 1375118986470.png-(1.82 MB, 1919x816, Greedo_shoots_first[1].png)

>be a bounty hunter
>this sleazebag owes money to this fag nig named Jabba
>track sleazebag to dive bar
>ask the guy nicely to pay Jabba back
>guy is a prick to me
>explain I'm just doing my job, no need to take it personal
>guy just shoots me point-blank, unprovoked, and leaves
>assfuck tells everyone I shot first
>it's in all the papers, huge scandal
>I can't get work anymore because everyone says I'm a loose cannon

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:30:07 No.496405750
File: 1375119007408.png-(523 KB, 800x340, Dak.png)

>be me
>ready to take on the whole empire
>fuck yeah Luke let's get these fuckers
>console fries
>get electrocuted and go unconscious
>come to a few mins later and see AT-AT foot right on me

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:31:43 No.496405952

mfw your ID ends in "hAN"

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:33:06 No.496406125 Replies: >>496408784 >>496410312
File: 1375119186175.jpg-(8 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

>be rolling around on Death Star
>haters gonna hate
>this hairy dude yells at me
>fuck this I'm outta here

Anonymous (ID: t5rinClk) 07/29/13(Mon)13:33:24 No.496406160 Replies: >>496414252
File: 1375119204499.jpg-(10 KB, 203x249, .lhfkjhdsaflkjhdsalkjfhds(...).jpg)



>nobody understands my constant pain

Anonymous (ID: rYhnr70B) 07/29/13(Mon)13:33:32 No.496406190
File: 1375119212394.jpg-(6 KB, 168x299, images.jpg)

>Wake up in fetal position
>Surrounded by more droids
>Slaughterded by some retard lizard with blue sphere-thingies

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:34:16 No.496406290
File: 1375119256205.jpg-(233 KB, 1400x935, Rancor.jpg)

>Haven't eaten in days
>Handler asks Jabba for food for me
>Jabba is a prick
>Guys drops down into my cave
>Ask him if he's OK
>Last thing I see is a skull fly through the air

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:36:32 No.496406583 Replies: >>496408146
File: 1375119392054.jpg-(622 KB, 848x640, Davin Felth.jpg)

>join the empire
>lose 15lbs in basic training
>trained in desert corps for 3 months after AT-AT training
>I'm a goddamn eagle eyed motherfucker
>find the major clue in ongoing investigation
>my stormtrooper unit massacres some jawas
>feel real guilty
>gotta do something about this shit
>everybody heads to a hangar to shoot up some ship
>i wait for the right time and shoot my unit leader in the back
>find out later on I'm retconned into a fucking clone of a seanigger
>mfw suddenly brown

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:38:42 No.496406865 Replies: >>496407180 >>496407505
File: 1375119522267.jpg-(14 KB, 293x191, Womprat.jpg)

>be womprat living on Tatooine
>good life plenty of sand
>fucking love my sand
>one day come home see some asshole in a t16 blasting my wife
>mfw i got blasted next day by emo kid with daddy issues

Anonymous (ID: 5Kunier/) 07/29/13(Mon)13:38:47 No.496406879 Replies: >>496410981
File: 1375119527661.jpg-(6 KB, 182x142, download (1).jpg)

>be me
>be a social pariah
>too clumsy, accidentally all the expensive shit
>got an annoying voice and yard laugh
>I'm an ugly fucking lizard
>compensate by trying to be funny
>get saved by some faggots when I tried to end it
>nobody cares
>everybody still hates me

Anonymous (ID: Au/RUqGl) 07/29/13(Mon)13:38:53 No.496406892 Replies: >>496410705
File: 1375119533934.jpg-(68 KB, 440x480, Garindan.jpg)

>be stuck on shit hole world Tatooine
>so far from home
>get mission to follow a shitty protocol droid and humans
>they escape
>lose imperial job
>can't find job
>imperial unemployment sucks
>no gf becuse of nose
>forever alone

Anonymous (ID: KIfjIXOS) 07/29/13(Mon)13:39:11 No.496406931
File: 1375119551989.jpg-(244 KB, 1024x692, star wars.jpg)

>be Rancor
>stuck in a fuckin hole for eons
>major depression
>master feeds me shitty humans and random shit
>be chillin in my secret cool cave
>little bitch drops in outta nowhere
>"guess i could go for a snack"
>little bitch is faster than i thought
>shoves a fuckin bone in my mouth, who the fuck does that shit?
>almost got the faggot
>fuckin gate outta nowhere
>oh well, needed a nap anyways

Anonymous (ID: esGKQqL0) 07/29/13(Mon)13:39:19 No.496406949 Replies: >>496408146
File: 1375119559914.jpg-(12 KB, 310x162, supertroopers.jpg)

>Stormtrooper, just stationed to the Executor, so psyched
>Talk to a famous bounty hunter on the ship
>His voice sounds just like mine, can't shake the feeling I know him
>We're the same height
>Now that I think about it, all my buddies and I are the same height too
>weird. . .

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:39:22 No.496406952 Replies: >>496407231
File: 1375119562141.jpg-(44 KB, 547x697, Mouth[1].jpg)

>be me
>be really fucking old
>kids always on my lawn
>okay, lawn, sand dune, whatever
>asshole neighbors having some party next door
>drunken fucks come bother me, keep falling on me
>mfw they taste like chicken

Anonymous (ID: 9WBHrgdp) 07/29/13(Mon)13:39:26 No.496406964 Replies: >>496407454 >>496416780

fuck of newfag

Anonymous (ID: Pa4cehwr) 07/29/13(Mon)13:39:26 No.496406965

God I lold

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:41:10 No.496407180


Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)13:41:12 No.496407186
File: 1375119672185.jpg-(22 KB, 400x265, trooper hits head.jpg)

>be on guard duty for Docking Bay 327 and related facilities on Death Star
>it's a pretty good post overall, family is fairly proud
>one day get a work order to go with TF-041 and TF-093 to investigate the 327 Control center
>the door is locked
>we force it partly open
>I hit my head on the door
>mfw I'm a little too tall for a stormtrooper
>wtf a protocol droid and an astro droid?
>apparently one of them needs to take a trip to maintenance
>mfw the space station gets blown up shortly afterwards
>worst monday ever

Anonymous (ID: ZraPoq2F) 07/29/13(Mon)13:41:33 No.496407231

This just made the bread so much sweeter.

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:41:47 No.496407258 Replies: >>496415993 >>496416437
File: 1375119707766.jpg-(50 KB, 522x381, Willrow-hood.jpg)

>be mindin my own business
>making ice-cream on Bespin
>wtf is all dat noise outside?
>oh shit nigga we evacuatin
>freakin out
>grab my icecream maker
>running the fuck around in panic
>totally lost
>all the ships leave
>stuck on Bespin just me and my ice cream maker

Anonymous (ID: ENL8ITXG) 07/29/13(Mon)13:42:26 No.496407334
File: 1375119746711.jpg-(8 KB, 280x180, kkkk.jpg)

>be me
>be immortal
>uses the force on women

Anonymous (ID: 10PL9CTD) 07/29/13(Mon)13:42:32 No.496407343 Replies: >>496407652 >>496407654 >>496407737 >>496407917
File: 1375119752290.jpg-(1.04 MB, 1920x1088, These are not the droids....jpg)

> working for Imperial Police to pay for Star College
> 9/10 gf from Imperial Protocol class
> see land speeder with droids matching the description of fugitives
> kind man tells me these are not the droids I'm looking for
> weeks later, boss reviewing surveillance tapes
> asks me why I let known Jedi Extremist terrorists with fugitive droids pass through my checkpoint
> lose job, fail Star College, gf leaves me for some hotshot tie fighter pilot
> start ">tfw no gf" thread on starchan
> mfw

Anonymous (ID: v753Q1am) 07/29/13(Mon)13:43:00 No.496407409

star of the thread. Will never be able to watch without thinking of his story

Anonymous (ID: dEfBi+Vg) 07/29/13(Mon)13:43:22 No.496407454

exactly the reaction i thought i would get lol

Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)13:43:43 No.496407505

Goddam this

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:43:44 No.496407509
File: 1375119824003.jpg-(77 KB, 856x480, droidsyourelookingfor.jpg)

>Orders come from the Emperor to find two droids
>This is a matter of galaxy-wide security
>Normal checkpoint
>Some old guy does a Jedi mind trick
>Those were the droids we were looking for

Anonymous (ID: gy2sKCoK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:44:12 No.496407573 Replies: >>496412483
File: 1375119852429.png-(386 KB, 480x640, BiggsHS-ANH.png)

>Be son of local agricultural magnate on Tatooine.
>Have friends, money, bitches and epic stache.
>Join imperian Navy cuz why not?
>Become a pilot.
>Doing ok, shit hits the fan and we end up killing civvies.
>Decide to leave
>Make group and escape with ships.
>No life suport on shitty tie fighters so we have to go back and figure what to do.
>Hell broke lose and some people gained control of the ship, made new friends and escaped. Shit was cash.
>Join the rebellion and become rebel pilot.
>8/10 chick in the boss.
>Successful me is successful.
>Got suicide mission.
>Death Star? Whut?
>Good to go.
>Find old friend who just joined the rebellion.
>Boast on how good of a pilot he is..ha, stupid kid.
>Shit hits the fan again
>End up covering fucking friend and got shot.
>MFW my mustache burned with my ship...

Anonymous (ID: gQh040Rz) 07/29/13(Mon)13:44:49 No.496407652


Manly tears of joy were shed.

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:44:50 No.496407654

>start >"tfw no gf" thread on Starchan


Anonymous (ID: Uz3L+Asc) 07/29/13(Mon)13:45:15 No.496407716

by far the best thread I've ever seen on /b/. and I've been here half the summer.

Anonymous (ID: dEfBi+Vg) 07/29/13(Mon)13:45:20 No.496407737

funniest shit i have seen in weeks

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)13:45:40 No.496407776
File: 1375119940422.jpg-(26 KB, 381x300, jawa anh.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: XsyEGx/Q) 07/29/13(Mon)13:46:09 No.496407837

>bonk my klonker on the fucking door

Anonymous (ID: KIfjIXOS) 07/29/13(Mon)13:46:38 No.496407917

oh holy fuck win!

Anonymous (ID: dEfBi+Vg) 07/29/13(Mon)13:47:36 No.496408028

this thread needs to be capped and referenced in epic thread threads

Anonymous (ID: KAUzuwcy) 07/29/13(Mon)13:47:37 No.496408037 Replies: >>496408190
File: 1375120057860.jpg-(100 KB, 398x480, 1355151751168.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:47:40 No.496408039 Replies: >>496415069
File: 1375120060518.jpg-(72 KB, 416x480, Arakyd_Viper.jpg)

>get shat out into space to find rebels
>nbd, space is small, wont be hard
>fuckin planet made of pure ice
>oh yea, those fags are definitely there
>fuckin crash down on that shit like a meteor
>rise up like a pimp, not damaged at all
>wtf was that noise?
>I'll just turn around, what's the worst that could possibly happen?

Anonymous (ID: hUPkI8Hp) 07/29/13(Mon)13:48:27 No.496408146 Replies: >>496408457 >>496408490 >>496408935 >>496414375 >>496431958

Storm troopers and clone troopers are not the same thing. Vader/Emperor ended the production of clones for something else, i think it had to do with the force unleashed guy, trying to clone a jedi or something. All storm troopers are just poor people.

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:48:45 No.496408190

Voting for archive.

Anonymous (ID: A2pLmrOf) 07/29/13(Mon)13:48:52 No.496408206
File: 1375120132256.jpg-(35 KB, 480x358, 1363440108928.jpg)

Gold, fucking gold

Anonymous (ID: cdQSO1BF) 07/29/13(Mon)13:49:31 No.496408276 Replies: >>496431138


if u count all the non-cannon bullshit then anything its possible and thats boring

Anonymous (ID: NPAYG+1X) 07/29/13(Mon)13:50:58 No.496408451

>>496397562 (OP)

Toasting in an epic bread.

Anonymous (ID: ty2FLdGO) 07/29/13(Mon)13:50:59 No.496408452 Replies: >>496413495
File: 1375120259767.jpg-(510 KB, 592x816, Nutegunraygeonosis[1].jpg)

>be universes first jew
>be the head of an a galaxy wide trading company
>people give our company shit
>put some of the funds towards a death army
>bitches better fucking pay us
>some retards in the republic trying to pass laws so they can tax us in a tax free zone
>fuck you shit
>blockade naboo, that'll teach them
>evil sith lord contacts us and tell us to invade
>oh shit we better do what he says
>get bested by lizard people
>get wrapped into a galactic war
>get sent to a lava planet by evil sith lord
>sends his apprentice to kill us
>i just wanted more money

Anonymous (ID: Au/RUqGl) 07/29/13(Mon)13:51:01 No.496408457

The Imperial stormtroopers were the evolution of the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. By the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the first Galactic Empire. As a result, the Grand Army was reformed into the Stormtrooper Corps and the clones were renamed "stormtroopers." Under the Empire, stormtroopers operated alongside Imperial Army and Navy units, and some were stationed on Naval ships where they served as marines. Although the Corps was overseen by Stormtrooper Command, a military agency that was independent from Imperial High Command, all stormtroopers ultimately answered to Emperor Palpatine with unconditional loyalty and subservience.

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:51:13 No.496408490

Yes they were. Lrn2google.

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)13:51:26 No.496408515
File: 1375120286433.jpg-(57 KB, 600x313, Tonnika Sisters.jpg)

>be chillin in Mos Eisly
>head to local cantina with my alcoholic slut sister
>decide to order a Daiquiri
>fat fuck bartender is just staring at my tits
>I'm so fucking sick of these faggot nerf herders
>oh great now some asshole is having a fight
>suddenly a wild severed arm appears and spills my drink
>i just paid 14 galactic credits for that shit
>mfw all my sister has are old useless republic credits

Anonymous (ID: rJC4enjz) 07/29/13(Mon)13:52:32 No.496408659

I get it.

Anonymous (ID: vlWU2kBq) 07/29/13(Mon)13:53:27 No.496408784
File: 1375120407670.jpg-(198 KB, 899x650, image.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: xqyNDT+l) 07/29/13(Mon)13:53:47 No.496408826
File: 1375120427828.jpg-(20 KB, 351x359, 1357854537783.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: VmjahcrG) 07/29/13(Mon)13:54:33 No.496408935 Replies: >>496431958

Original template clonetroopers made up roughly 1/3 of the stormtrooper army as of 0 BBY, the time that A Hew Hope was set in.

Anonymous (ID: o6YqvANc) 07/29/13(Mon)13:56:01 No.496409130

>>496397562 (OP)

Not bad, pal.

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)13:56:04 No.496409137 Replies: >>496409316

yes this shit needs to be archived

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)13:56:22 No.496409178 Replies: >>496409368

>traveling on a diplomatic mission
>pulled over by space cops
>manage to hide the drugs in R2 unit
>get captured by dad
>watch home planet get destroyed
>get rescued by a crusty space cowboy, a walking carpet, a farmboy, and a wizard
>help plan out a drive by on the local police station
>we all go hang out at a ski resort
>kiss the farmboy in the lobby
>run from the cops again
>they're waiting for us at this nigger's apartment
>the space cowboy gets busted, the farmboy loses his hand
>we go to bust the space cowboy outta jail
>i get caught, along with the guy wearing a ghillie suit
>we bust out again
>get called "carrie" by the farmboy
>seriously who the fuck is carrie
>hanging out in the woods later, find out the farmboy is my brother
>say "I know. I've always known."
>remember the kiss
>i drop the spaghetti I had in my robes

Anonymous (ID: fOA+Ca7k) 07/29/13(Mon)13:56:25 No.496409183 Replies: >>496410637 >>496411875 >>496414604 >>496417382
File: 1375120585347.jpg-(115 KB, 689x1109, gamor.jpg)

>be chilling at boss' place
>getting paid to drink, and party, chillin' with bitches, bossin' it up.
>guy in black cloak walks in, fucking gold protocol droid chucks a spaz
>boss is pissed, so I move forwards in case I'm needed.
>guy starts arguing with boss about jedi mind shit
>guy in cloak tries to make a move, boss hits trapdoor
>oh shit oh fuckmyface.jpg i fall in as well
>mfw I'm in the goddamn fucking rancor pit
>rancor's coming out
>guy in cloak running away like a little bitch
>rancor coming towards me
>goodbye /b/ros

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)13:57:27 No.496409316 Replies: >>496409684

Then why haven't you voted, fag?

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)13:57:50 No.496409368
File: 1375120670763.jpg-(170 KB, 1600x1202, leia.jpg)

>so much spaghetti I didn't include a picture

Anonymous (ID: 1iP3AII7) 07/29/13(Mon)13:59:07 No.496409540 Replies: >>496410240
File: 1375120747442.jpg-(33 KB, 500x500, sev.jpg)

>Be RC-1207
>Chosen to be a commando with 3 of my brothers
>The leader is a kinda strict guy, but he cares about us
>Tech guy is a by the rules guy, no fun allowed
>Explosives guy is the one I like the most, have a friendly competition on missions together
>We fight together on tons of crazy ass missions
>These guys are the only guys I trust in the world
>We get picked for a really important mission
>Starts off normal, but quickly goes to shit
>Get cut off from the squad
>Brothers never come back for me
>Nobody ever looks for me
>I don't even know where I am
>And I never will

Anonymous (ID: o6YqvANc) 07/29/13(Mon)13:59:53 No.496409656
File: 1375120793853.jpg-(73 KB, 600x600, 1358803679489.jpg)


ok... ok... I actually lol'd

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)14:00:06 No.496409684 Replies: >>496409845

i did.

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)14:01:18 No.496409845 Replies: >>496410869

I see it now. GJ!

Anonymous (ID: o6YqvANc) 07/29/13(Mon)14:03:34 No.496410137
File: 1375121014021.jpg-(41 KB, 375x600, sw_lars_and_aunt_beru_charred1.jpg)


OK Jesus I am dying here

Anonymous (ID: 5f9Hbvoh) 07/29/13(Mon)14:03:39 No.496410150

>my head and asshole hurt like hell

Anonymous (ID: 0p64/A9x) 07/29/13(Mon)14:03:52 No.496410181 Replies: >>496416343
File: 1375121032458.jpg-(5 KB, 271x186, images.jpg)

>Teen senator
>Planet blown
>Tortured by father
>Kissed by brother
>Enslaved by giant slug
>In love with smuggler
>Fuck my life

Anonymous (ID: f+H5zNTf) 07/29/13(Mon)14:04:15 No.496410240 Replies: >>496410569


Anonymous (ID: 5f9Hbvoh) 07/29/13(Mon)14:04:30 No.496410274

give him some credit, the only movie he's probably seen is episode 3

Anonymous (ID: o6YqvANc) 07/29/13(Mon)14:04:47 No.496410312
File: 1375121087172.jpg-(109 KB, 554x659, 226868899950284377_dkzktDEd_c.jpg)



Anonymous (ID: G9bOi/vp) 07/29/13(Mon)14:05:10 No.496410354
File: 1375121110346.jpg-(731 KB, 3264x2448, 1369326431789.jpg)

>I wake up in the infirmary and my head and asshole hurt like hell.

>trying to get some bitches to suck on my nutsack chin
>nutsack chin

20/10 - my sides - I always thought his chin looked like a baboons arse or some balls

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)14:05:51 No.496410448 Replies: >>496410660 >>496410789
File: 1375121151622.jpg-(100 KB, 512x704, Mace_Windu.jpg)

>be intergalactic nigger
>over 300 confirmed kills
>palpatine is a motherfucking what?
>mount up
>newfag, i got this
>newfag, i thought i told you to go wait
>my fucking arms
>now wat am i gon do?
>mfw no welfare

Anonymous (ID: 1iP3AII7) 07/29/13(Mon)14:06:52 No.496410569 Replies: >>496410714

We were just following orders Sev, I promise.

Fucking Yoda, that little green piece of shit did this to them.

Anonymous (ID: HMLfT0aE) 07/29/13(Mon)14:07:22 No.496410632
File: 1375121242053.jpg-(239 KB, 713x363, younglings.jpg)

>went to doctors office once day
>high medichlorian count
>get taken from parents to join jedi academy
>dont get to play or have fun, get on starchan when i can lol underage
>one day training with my friends master anakin comes kills my friends followed by me

Anonymous (ID: fOA+Ca7k) 07/29/13(Mon)14:07:24 No.496410637 Replies: >>496411875 >>496414604 >>496417382
File: 1375121244115.jpg-(50 KB, 390x600, erg.jpg)


>bodyguard of emperor
>pretty powerful dude
>everybody to scared to attack him
>pretty cushy job
>good pay, barely any work
>guarding door to throne room at new death star
>boss' right-hand man brings his son to work
>emperor and kid start arguing
>right-hand guy and kid start lightsaber fighting all around the fucking room
>hands flying off, shit getting serious
>look at buddy on other side of door, he has no fucking clue what to do either
>we just watch
>emperor starts shooting lightning out of his fucking fingers
>kid screaming
>big guy picks up emperor, throws him into reactor
>explosion of energy
>mfw I've seen some shit.

Anonymous (ID: bbVzP/mb) 07/29/13(Mon)14:07:36 No.496410660

I read the whole thing in his voice.

Anonymous (ID: 5f9Hbvoh) 07/29/13(Mon)14:07:55 No.496410705

>forever alone
how new can you be?

Anonymous (ID: ty2FLdGO) 07/29/13(Mon)14:07:59 No.496410714 Replies: >>496411025

The acclamator cruiser mission was the best mission

I now really want to go do space battles in empire at war

Anonymous (ID: VmjahcrG) 07/29/13(Mon)14:08:33 No.496410789

But at least you still have your purple drank... I mean purple lightsaber.

Anonymous (ID: nUy3HY+O) 07/29/13(Mon)14:08:38 No.496410809
File: 1375121318891.jpg-(323 KB, 700x800, cody[1].jpg)

>be commander in clone army
>be working for the republic
>best friends with general Kenobi
>hear General Grievous is in the outer rim
>Kenobi kills that bastard
>find friends lightsaber, send him on his way
>'we've got a battle to win'
>all of a sudden hologram
>'oh shit its Palpatine'
>'execute order 66'
>shoot only friend i ever had off cliff, nobody could have survived that fall

Anonymous (ID: cLSWYv/X) 07/29/13(Mon)14:09:04 No.496410869 Replies: >>496411103 >>496411135 >>496411173

Hey, I also voted for archival. Should be 3/6 if no one else's voted yet, y'all niggas better vote on this.
>chanarchive dot org "request archival"

Anonymous (ID: dJhrLI2c) 07/29/13(Mon)14:09:52 No.496410981

>yard laugh

Anonymous (ID: 1iP3AII7) 07/29/13(Mon)14:10:12 No.496411025 Replies: >>496411820

I just fucking loved the banter between the squadmembers.

Oh and the fucking HUD, that game had such an amazing HUD.

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)14:10:44 No.496411103 Replies: >>496411190


Anonymous (ID: bbVzP/mb) 07/29/13(Mon)14:10:52 No.496411135

>chanarchive dot org "request archival
one more

Anonymous (ID: hUPkI8Hp) 07/29/13(Mon)14:11:09 No.496411173

Done. Will be archived

Anonymous (ID: cLSWYv/X) 07/29/13(Mon)14:11:15 No.496411190 Replies: >>496411506

moar liek "archived"

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)14:11:29 No.496411219 Replies: >>496411350
File: 1375121489415.jpg-(59 KB, 355x400, yoda.jpg)

>over 800 years have trained Jedi
>only very young students accept
>7 years too old to begin the training is
>many years in hiding from partyvan on Dagobah I have been

Anonymous (ID: QfHbdNDL) 07/29/13(Mon)14:12:02 No.496411307 Replies: >>496411951
File: 1375121522511.png-(113 KB, 1530x224, #justiceforgreedo.png)


Anonymous (ID: qaDpUMh/) 07/29/13(Mon)14:12:11 No.496411328 Replies: >>496411506
File: 1375121531168.jpg-(14 KB, 359x300, 1230886581067.jpg)

this is not the thread you are looking for...

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)14:12:18 No.496411350

>hiding from partyvan

Anonymous (ID: dnDp0cCr) 07/29/13(Mon)14:12:43 No.496411401

>>496397562 (OP)
how do you door stupid chores ?

how do you door in question

Anonymous (ID: cLSWYv/X) 07/29/13(Mon)14:13:25 No.496411506

also this
chanarchive dot org / 4chan / b / 71089
"Our system thinks your post is spam" Fuck you Chris.
We don't need to see his identification... Move along.

Anonymous (ID: bSWs4IVF) 07/29/13(Mon)14:14:45 No.496411693
File: 1375121685835.jpg-(26 KB, 250x350, 250px-Tuskenraider[1].jpg)


Anonymous (ID: TMyeH8W4) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:03 No.496411747


Anonymous (ID: HMLfT0aE) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:24 No.496411806 Replies: >>496415651 >>496421758
File: 1375121724322.jpg-(32 KB, 383x361, Star Wars - D6 - Equipmen(...).jpg)

>living below poverty line on alderran, can't pay bills
>decide to sell deathsticks to make a lil bank
>shit was cash, got by pretty well
>wondered what i was selling, tried deathsticks
>loved that shit
>one day i try to push to this faggot wearing a robe
>he tells me i want to go home and reconsider my life
>wanted to laugh it off, but somehow couldent
>go back home

Anonymous (ID: ty2FLdGO) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:33 No.496411820

>was it red red green or red green red
>aren't you supposed to be the demolitions expert?

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:34 No.496411823
File: 1375121734454.jpg-(7 KB, 285x177, cantinaband.jpg)

>Trying to make a living playing in a shitty bar
>Got rejected from working for the Empire due to inferior genetics
>Cover up all of the stealing, assault, and murder by playing our signature song
>Most ripped-off song of all time
>Get all of the stray bullets, none of the royalties
>Galactic copyright ownership doesn't extend to Earth, apparently

Anonymous (ID: o6YqvANc) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:37 No.496411827
File: 1375121737071.jpg-(124 KB, 604x461, jarjar.jpg)

Best. Thread. EVER.

Anonymous (ID: R9u3w8x8) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:50 No.496411869

I love this thread
so much

Anonymous (ID: fOA+Ca7k) 07/29/13(Mon)14:15:52 No.496411875 Replies: >>496414604 >>496417382
File: 1375121752239.png-(112 KB, 250x333, r2.png)


>beep boop beep
>boop beep bop
>beep ba da da beep boop
>wheowp bee yoop

Anonymous (ID: utEJqm4Z) 07/29/13(Mon)14:16:27 No.496411951


>dat hotlink

You better take care of that Trojan, son.

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)14:16:35 No.496411972
File: 1375121795287.jpg-(456 KB, 704x704, Bo-shek.jpg)

>be deep space pilot
>spend most of my downtime time grooming sideburns, xbox
>be talking to some wookiee
>he buys me a drink
>we shake hands
>he leaves
>mfw i didn't get an email address or anything

Anonymous (ID: CFriZk50) 07/29/13(Mon)14:16:54 No.496412021

I lost it /b/ro. Quality post

Anonymous (ID: NPAYG+1X) 07/29/13(Mon)14:17:29 No.496412092 Replies: >>496416808
File: 1375121849745.jpg-(9 KB, 222x227, feels.jpg)

Thanks for the archive, folks. Best I've seen in years.

Anonymous (ID: gUDAftIu) 07/29/13(Mon)14:17:36 No.496412115 Replies: >>496413137
File: 1375121856633.jpg-(102 KB, 320x262, star-wars-episode-iii-rev(...).jpg)

>be fucking blue elephant
>playing keyboard all day for a fucking slug
>get good money and see hot chicks dancing all day (fuckyeah.jpg)
>one day fucking slave bitch kills my boss
>mfw I have to find a new job
>suck my blue balls slave cunt

Anonymous (ID: dnDp0cCr) 07/29/13(Mon)14:20:29 No.496412483

what an out rage i am pissed fuck luke skywalker

Anonymous (ID: DEyCDiDt) 07/29/13(Mon)14:20:41 No.496412510
File: 1375122041420.jpg-(1.22 MB, 1500x2000, Sebulba-SWISE2010.jpg)

>Be me badass podracer
>Have arms and legs Like a normal humanoid alien
>Still use them backwards
>Lose a podrace to a kid

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)14:21:06 No.496412561
File: 1375122066263.jpg-(27 KB, 792x599, CountDooku.jpg)

>be in Jedi training
>go to gym for combat class
>mfw it's lightsaber inspection day

Anonymous (ID: uygduSu3) 07/29/13(Mon)14:21:43 No.496412657 Replies: >>496412856

10/10 fucking dying

Anonymous (ID: LJ7vbA7a) 07/29/13(Mon)14:23:22 No.496412856

Wish i could speak Chewie

Anonymous (ID: 4pDxu+or) 07/29/13(Mon)14:23:41 No.496412893
File: 1375122221194.jpg-(13 KB, 252x224, image.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: vDmsIh9T) 07/29/13(Mon)14:24:22 No.496412974
File: 1375122262243.jpg-(155 KB, 1280x1003, tumblr_lm4oqnRu9r1qkcj94o(...).jpg)

>Be 7 or 8
>Cruising the galaxy to go to theme park with bro and parents
>Something goes wrong with starcruiser plane
>Dad gets mad and starts yelling; Mom is crying
>Oh no we'z be crashing
>Dad points burning heap of spacecraft toward Endor
>Big bro and I survive, mfw. Where's parents, mfl
>Confused, but older bro is A+ boy scout
>Found by Deej; He smells like shit, blood & piss
>Some faggot named Mace tries to kidnap bro and I
>Ewoks unite and take care of him
>Walking to Ewok forest village; so rad
>Befriended by Wicket. He smells like wet dog and dead chicken but he's cool as fuck
>WTF...a fight breaks out and some beast is packing a life support monitor for my parentals
>They are alive; big bro, ewoks and I go to find them
>Some asshat named Gorax has them imprisoned
>Meet up with Izrina (cool) and Chukha-Trok (loud as fuck) and go on a walk-about
>Get to Corax's lair; Reeks of shit and piss
>Huge fucking spiders everywhere; traumatized for life, wtf...
>Get in fight with Gorax; bitch nigga got what was coming
>Gorax knocked down a deep chasm; peace out faggot bitch
>Chukha-Trok is mortally wounded; apathetic about it on the inside
>parents freed; everyone dances
>I'm all sweaty; big bro is looking hot as hell
>mfw, I am 8, what is this?
>Gorax somehow survived and tried to climb up out of this big hole; persistent asshole
>Mace sends him back down for good
>Finally with mom and dad; feels good man
>Decide to chill while starcruiser is being repaired
>MFL, we're surrounded by a bunch of primitive shit smelling ewoks with rudimentary tools and limited supplies
>party for days but just want to go home

Anonymous (ID: dnDp0cCr) 07/29/13(Mon)14:25:28 No.496413137

that guy only pl;ays for food he eats from his fingers

Anonymous (ID: LQEKEAh/) 07/29/13(Mon)14:26:06 No.496413207 Replies: >>496416808
File: 1375122366393.jpg-(39 KB, 439x339, full_of_win.jpg)

QUICK someone archive this. this is the best thing i've seen on /b/ in months!

>mfw when can't contribute

Anonymous (ID: TMyeH8W4) 07/29/13(Mon)14:26:51 No.496413310
File: 1375122411266.jpg-(61 KB, 484x400, goregoregore.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: y+s9JQ7n) 07/29/13(Mon)14:27:12 No.496413353

the best

Anonymous (ID: Stmcg/UK) 07/29/13(Mon)14:27:44 No.496413429 Replies: >>496422742
File: 1375122464459.jpg-(26 KB, 400x270, death-star-8.jpg)

>be me 18
>conscripted into Galactic Empire
>sent to work on "Death Star"
>assigned to be in laser tube
>with this other guy, annoying as fuck
>he doesn't stop talking about stupid shit
>"When I'm done with this I'm going to own a store."
>4 years later
>about to get out of this shit
>Hear warning sound
>laser about to fire
>big ass greed laser beam goes right the fuck by me
>Get reassigned to outpost in far reaches of space
>turn on tv and see Death Star destroyed by terrorists
>learn I'm dying of cancer from green laser

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)14:27:45 No.496413432 Replies: >>496419686
File: 1375122465138.jpg-(81 KB, 320x262, Dengar.jpg)

>be badass swoop racing pilot
>race some punk named Han Solo
>that bitch makes me crash
>get rebuilt like Steve Austin
>nervous system is hotwired as shit
>spend life learning to move slowly
>finally, an invite to join my peers
>holy fucking shit, they want Han Solo
>holy fucking shit, they want Han Solo
>can't wait to disintegrate that mother fucker
>suddenly, the boss expressly forbids disintegrations
>mfw my anus is clenched so tight it looks like Zuckuss' face

Anonymous (ID: YxiSFK3Z) 07/29/13(Mon)14:27:50 No.496413442 Replies: >>496413723
File: 1375122470670.jpg-(35 KB, 620x334, Han-and-Greedo-e1360322897499.jpg)

>Chillin out in Mos Eisley
>some old coot is paying good money to transport him and his creepy little boyfriend
>whatever don't want to know
>get cornered by henchman, looking for boss' money
>shoot first
>use creepy old man's money to pay for editing surveillance footage

Anonymous (ID: 5f9Hbvoh) 07/29/13(Mon)14:28:17 No.496413495
File: 1375122497371.jpg-(56 KB, 500x431, 1366501329575.jpg)

>universe first jew

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)14:30:00 No.496413723

I almost responded to this before I finished the whole thing

Anonymous (ID: EC7DAjwk) 07/29/13(Mon)14:30:23 No.496413767
File: 1375122623363.jpg-(27 KB, 250x387, phallus.jpg)

>be trained, high ranking jedi knight
>everyone makes fun of my head
>get called names, dick head, melonbrain, phallusfaggot.
>cri evry teim
>go on important clone war missions, form close bonds with troopers
>one day overhear clone trooper radio say "Order 66"
>konk my head on the doorway on the way out, knocked cold
>wake up buried alive, clones thought I killed myeself
>cut the top of my forehead off
>live the last of my minutes braindead and happy with a normal head

Anonymous (ID: ecERk6WS) 07/29/13(Mon)14:30:55 No.496413832

best shit ever
OP is internet

Anonymous (ID: bdF+Q5Fr) 07/29/13(Mon)14:30:56 No.496413838

Top Fucking LeL

Anonymous (ID: nfWl9Dzx) 07/29/13(Mon)14:31:42 No.496413947 Replies: >>496416808

Archive this shit

Anonymous (ID: JZW12sfS) 07/29/13(Mon)14:31:55 No.496413975

Top Fucking LeL

Anonymous (ID: PRfMV7ED) 07/29/13(Mon)14:33:23 No.496414168

>6/10 made me smile

Anonymous (ID: LJ7vbA7a) 07/29/13(Mon)14:33:29 No.496414178


i'd rate your post 9/10 if i used this faggot ass rating system you newfags are into.

Anonymous (ID: nUy3HY+O) 07/29/13(Mon)14:33:49 No.496414224
File: 1375122829391.jpg-(238 KB, 1024x1024, 3PONaked-ST[1].jpg)

>be c-3po human cyborg relations
>earliest memory is some kid working on me
>this guy really knows how to turn me on
>wake up one day
>no recollection of the night before, wake up and the queen of fucking Naboo is in my room
>mfw i realise im naked

Anonymous (ID: XkB8u4cm) 07/29/13(Mon)14:34:01 No.496414247

Fucking I'm crying this is so funny.

Thank you all

Anonymous (ID: gcRH4u9M) 07/29/13(Mon)14:34:02 No.496414249
File: 1375122842330.gif-(87 KB, 694x700, darth-g.gif)

>>496397562 (OP) This is by far the best thread I've ever seen on 4chan. (And I've been here since 2008).

Anonymous (ID: PRfMV7ED) 07/29/13(Mon)14:34:04 No.496414252

0/10 gtfo

Anonymous (ID: PRfMV7ED) 07/29/13(Mon)14:35:09 No.496414375

*tips fedora*

Anonymous (ID: fOA+Ca7k) 07/29/13(Mon)14:36:50 No.496414604 Replies: >>496417382
File: 1375123010337.jpg-(18 KB, 596x531, imperialofficer.jpg)


>abandoned correllian freighter docks
>go inside, see nothing. looks like the crew's all abandoned ship.
>send a scanning crew aboard and head back up to prison block
>almost finished shift supervising
>fucking awful day, spoilt princess in prison cell 2187 annoying the shit out of me
>two grunts bring wookie in
>ask where they're taking this thing
>alleged transfer from cell block 1138
>pretty sure i wasnt notified, tell them ill have to clear it
>they fucking start shooting the room up like crazy
>blaster fire grazes me, i hit the floor
>rogue stormtroopers and wookie still shooting fucking everything
>press button for backup
>one rogue stormtrooper telling same lame-ass transparent bullshit about a weapons malfunction over radio
>backup arrives
>herd the fuckers into the sewerage compartment
>engage the crusher
>full of win.
>walk downstairs for well-earned sleep
>see wookie and three rebels coming out of sewerage compartment
>they raise their guns

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)14:37:11 No.496414658
File: 1375123031690.jpg-(115 KB, 1024x741, OolaThroneRoom.jpg)

>be studying to get into law on Coruscant
>so expensive
>start dancing on tables to pay bills
>this creepy dude buys me a drink
>what could possibly go wrong?
>wake up on some desert shithole planet in the outer rim
>mfw dancing for some fat slug for free. omg I wish I was dead

Anonymous (ID: XkB8u4cm) 07/29/13(Mon)14:38:58 No.496414882

Here here!!

Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)14:39:40 No.496414974 Replies: >>496424125
File: 1375123180547.jpg-(45 KB, 204x300, photo.jpg)

>be jedi master
>some 9 year old kid wants to learn force
>idc i just want to get my tentacles wet
>kid designed a protocol droid
>hate that thing
>be in battle
>see a battledroid with protocol droid head
>force push the fuck out of it

Anonymous (ID: V2OiaCCW) 07/29/13(Mon)14:40:19 No.496415069

Anonymous (ID: TQLueSp4) 07/29/13(Mon)14:43:38 No.496415542
File: 1375123418052.jpg-(12 KB, 250x373, admiral.jpg)

>Work hard to become captain of a flagship.
>God damned boss shows up at work, looking over my shoulder.
>Have to spend the month hunting for a rebel base.

>Probe says a base is on an ice planet.
>"NP" I say. I order us to drop in right next to planet
>instead of the outer rim of the planet. Big fucking surprise, right?
>Rebels raise their shields. The boss has his jimmies russled.
>Boss thinks it's alright to choke the shit out of me in front of everyone.
>MFW I realize I've wasted my life working for these assholes.

Anonymous (ID: gn6DNgjL) 07/29/13(Mon)14:44:25 No.496415651 Replies: >>496415815

its coruscant you dumb fuck. Learn to warstar galactica: the next generation atlantis.

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)14:45:38 No.496415815

>warstar galactica: the next generation atlantis.

Anonymous (ID: jPKBlj4F) 07/29/13(Mon)14:46:46 No.496415963 Replies: >>496419936
File: 1375123606017.jpg-(78 KB, 620x620, Captain-Kirk-William-Shat(...).jpg)

>Be me
>Be on undocumented planet
>Look for invading klingons because those fuckers are assholes
>No klingons in sight
>Look into giant crater
>Giant worm comes out and tries to eat me
>Realize i'm in the wrong franchise
>What the fuck did you do scotty?
>Fuck space worm for the hell of it

Anonymous (ID: LQEKEAh/) 07/29/13(Mon)14:47:00 No.496415993

i totally lost it here, BEST!

Anonymous (ID: wt0/D0MD) 07/29/13(Mon)14:48:34 No.496416203

This thread is outstanding.

Anonymous (ID: R2KVh9OP) 07/29/13(Mon)14:49:20 No.496416317
File: 1375123760314.jpg-(9 KB, 319x158, move along move along.jpg)

>Chilling with my homie on guard duty
>We be chillin', checkin' people out
>This dude in a robe asks for entrance
>"Move along, move along"

Anonymous (ID: 7fPELEIq) 07/29/13(Mon)14:49:30 No.496416343

HA actually got me lel

Anonymous (ID: 29Rol9xh) 07/29/13(Mon)14:50:11 No.496416437
File: 1375123811748.jpg-(248 KB, 682x600, photo.jpg)

Holy fuck

Anonymous (ID: uygduSu3) 07/29/13(Mon)14:50:20 No.496416458 Replies: >>496418815
File: 1375123820279.jpg-(85 KB, 685x738, Anakin-Skywalker-anakin-s(...).jpg)

>be totally awesome jedi who's clearly better than everyone else
>master is jealous, holds me back
>never lets me do anything I want
>always makes me do boring jedi work while he goes off and looks for bounty hunters in his Jedi Starfighter when clearly I'M a better pilot than he is
>embarrasses me in front of super hot girl and everyone else in coruscant meeting
>never lets me go anywhere with my smokin hot gf without reminding me of stupid rules
>never lets me duel sith lords on my own when i totally can
>won't let me become Jedi Master when I'm totally ready to be one
>always makes me have a blue lightsaber when I should have a green one because I'm better than he is
>no one understands me

Anonymous (ID: 6NDuNzkZ) 07/29/13(Mon)14:52:25 No.496416780
File: 1375123945435.jpg-(35 KB, 298x292, bugs.jpg)



Anonymous (ID: cLSWYv/X) 07/29/13(Mon)14:52:40 No.496416808 Replies: >>496424319

Shit's done been archived at chanarchive. Respect.

Anonymous (ID: oLPz6FjB) 07/29/13(Mon)14:52:51 No.496416835 Replies: >>496423739 >>496427481
File: 1375123971358.jpg-(33 KB, 948x948, ackbar-dfdfea93d8ed875f97(...).jpg)

>be admiral in Rebellion fleet
>best fuckin' job ever
>have sexual deires for chicks with dicks
>one day fleet is attacking death star #2
>we got this shit
>start browsing starchan
>find trap thread
>so fucking happy, can't help myself
>Yell out "It's a trap."
>whole fucking fleet starts retreating
>can't tell them I was talking about ladyboys

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)14:55:09 No.496417134
File: 1375124109974.jpg-(69 KB, 456x600, OwenLarsHS-SWE.jpg)

>be moisture farmer, like my crippled dad
>gf at the time wants kids
>fuck off I'm only 19
>suddenly some jedi arrives with my dad's ex-wife's kid's baby
>wat is this i don't even
>gf wants to keep it
>mfw stormtroopers show up and start asking about some illegal droids i bought real cheap
>hope i can talk my way out of this...

Anonymous (ID: lvA//0tN) 07/29/13(Mon)14:56:52 No.496417378
File: 1375124212679.jpg-(9 KB, 190x265, derka.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: fOA+Ca7k) 07/29/13(Mon)14:56:52 No.496417382
File: 1375124212505.jpg-(41 KB, 312x472, r5-d4.jpg)


>built by fantastic master charlie
>his mom's a cunt
>tells him to throw me away
>he says no, i mean too much to him
>builds me gorgeous fembot R1-D7
>we are all happy together
>his mom comes home one day
>charlie died in speeder accident
>mom sells R1-D7 to guy on Alderaan
>sells me to group of jawas on Tatooine
>so lonely
>finally am going to be re-sold to moisture farmers
>maybe i can eventually escape and find my love...R1-D7...
>as I roll towards my new owners, i feel a great disturbance
>i feel my love cry out in terror...and then silence
>she's dead. on alderaan. i dont know how i know...but I do.
>my love is gone
>nothing to live for. no motivation
>my motivator explodes

Anonymous (ID: ewrXyyq6) 07/29/13(Mon)14:58:57 No.496417683 Replies: >>496418647
File: 1375124337217.jpg-(76 KB, 352x251, jedi-kids.jpg)

> be Jedi new white knight liberal rebellion kids
> support every cosmic mudslime (Jabba too) and shit stomping faggots and paedophiles like Yoda the Green Slime
> be liberal and tolerant
> shitsnotcash.jpg
> being hated by everyone cuz we the light force, you feel me?
> one evening getting our asses crazy on the liberal "Intragalaxy Allah visitation" party - welcoming vagina faces into our society
> we will become the next masterrace
> suddenly a knock on the door
> mfw its Anders Breivik
> ofw its Order 66

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)14:59:18 No.496417728 Replies: >>496419247 >>496424063
File: 1375124358847.jpg-(20 KB, 299x450, vader.jpg)

>have high ranking position in the Empire
>boss is a complete dick
>have two kids, but they never visit or call
>hate my life so much that I fake my death and start a new life on earth
>happily married with new family

Anonymous (ID: pwWfPpxH) 07/29/13(Mon)15:05:38 No.496418647
File: 1375124738590.jpg-(78 KB, 571x570, 1352409146569.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: hUPkI8Hp) 07/29/13(Mon)15:06:43 No.496418815

Read it in his emo voice

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)15:08:04 No.496419008
File: 1375124884106.gif-(54 KB, 320x240, bibfortuna.gif)

>be majordomo at Jabba's palace
>only Twi'lek male there
>hire only Twi'lek strippers lol
>boss tells me not to let some Jedi in
>the dude shows up and tells me to let him in
>i do as he says for some reason, watevar
>when my boss finds out he fucking assaults me
>serious back pain, bruised left tentacle
>i'm taking this to the union as soon as we get back from this sail barge trip

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)15:09:47 No.496419247

File: 1375125149612.jpg-(915 KB, 974x1152, DashRendar-SOTETC.jpg)

>Be me, born to wealthy family
>Galactic Republic fails hard, decide to join Empire
>Training to be officer, doing good in school
>Parents refuse to sell out to crime boss faggot
>Faggot sabotages bro's ride, crashes into Imperial Museum
>Bro dies, family blamed and banished from home
>mfw I'm kicked out of the academy
>fuckthatshit.jpg, mercenary time
>Time passes, damn good at my job, make friends
>Have awesome ship, call it 'Outrider'
>Get hired by the rebellion for a couple jobs
>Wtf, mfw I thought Republic was fucked
>Anyway, do jobs, save a swanky smuggler and young Jedi pleb
>good money, lovin' life
>more work from rebellion, chance to get revenge on faggot that killed my bro
>take the chance, kill the faggot and fake own death
>mfw because he had ties to the Empire
>start up new danger-free business making human replica droids
>build one, model it to look like dead bro
>I loved my bro

Anonymous (ID: XpQ8eAG7) 07/29/13(Mon)15:13:00 No.496419686

just wanted to toast in this epic bread also
>mfw my anus is clenched so tight it looks like Zuckuss' face

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)15:14:04 No.496419836
File: 1375125244522.jpg-(46 KB, 320x240, Akira_and_Millennium_Falcon.jpg)

>Be in hyperspace, piloting my corellian transport with Chewbacca
>suddenly hit hyperspace turbulence
>appear in the middle of a pitched space battle
>mfw we should have taken that left turn at Kessel and ended up in the wrong franchise

Anonymous (ID: XpQ8eAG7) 07/29/13(Mon)15:14:41 No.496419936


Anonymous (ID: gy2sKCoK) 07/29/13(Mon)15:17:12 No.496420293
File: 1375125432057.jpg-(9 KB, 308x164, ig88.jpg)

>Be assassin droid line designed byHolowan Laboratories.
>Come up with master plan for universe domination.
>Hack into death star
>MFW I have no face.

Anonymous (ID: Ao5VI7sI) 07/29/13(Mon)15:17:15 No.496420306

Alderaan never exploded

Anonymous (ID: jd8t2ARY) 07/29/13(Mon)15:17:40 No.496420370
File: 1375125460176.jpg-(642 KB, 784x784, Greedo.jpg)

>be me
>be bounty hunter
>mfw haven't collected a bounty in like 3 months
>check stats
>win/loss ratio fucked
>kd ratio getting fucked up
>be today
>get invite from Han Solo, some faggot tryhard
>1v1 on Cantina
>see him camping at table, shoot at him first
>he crouches like the fucking BK that he is
>he shoots back, on my screen he totally missed
>dead from one body shot
>fucking auto aim with damage boost
>mfw this noob got hax
>happen to lag out
>tells all his friends I rage quit
>fucking nub

Anonymous (ID: R5l7c2Ck) 07/29/13(Mon)15:18:31 No.496420501

>>496397562 (OP)
Best thread ever

Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/29/13(Mon)15:20:01 No.496420730

Anonymous (ID: XA+a3qUG) 07/29/13(Mon)15:20:17 No.496420776

tosting in epic bread

Anonymous (ID: vDmsIh9T) 07/29/13(Mon)15:20:40 No.496420835 Replies: >>496421237 >>496425307
File: 1375125640149.png-(351 KB, 655x544, DianogaEye-ANH.png)

>Be me
>Be living in the trash compactor of the Death Star
>Pretty cush
>Eat what I want; when I want
>Free food and shit all the time
>No predators at all; shit is so cash
>Chewing on turkey leg one afternoon when three humanoids invade my space
>I'm mad as hell
>Gonna eat one of those fuckers...
>Harry guy is too much work, the other guy is too old and stale
>Proceed to blind side the young dude
>Pull him under water
>Should have seen the faces of the other two, it was like ohmygodwhatthefuckwasthat.jpg
>I giggled a little to myself
>Keep chocking the young guy
>I shit you not, for some reason the compactor walls are activated FOR NO REASON WSE
>That's my one crutch...and I will not lie; I was a bit scared and put off
>Release the young guy from my clutches
>I retreat to a safe place to minimize any injuries
>When they are all smashed I'm going to eat so good...
>mfl the compactor stops
>mfl they some how manage to escape
>mfl I missed the meal of a life time
>mfl I cannot get out of my hiding place
>mfl I have no face

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)15:23:08 No.496421237
File: 1375125788288.jpg-(24 KB, 394x368, meg_griffin_-_dianoga[1].jpg)

Wrong pic.

Anonymous (ID: xAQ1+aQZ) 07/29/13(Mon)15:26:14 No.496421758


Anonymous (ID: 5G+D6EFn) 07/29/13(Mon)15:32:23 No.496422742
File: 1375126343065.jpg-(39 KB, 500x500, 1371417279237.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)15:37:14 No.496423548


Anonymous (ID: uygduSu3) 07/29/13(Mon)15:37:21 No.496423570
File: 1375126641879.jpg-(14 KB, 320x240, tumblr_lh7u7ysYiL1qc823io1_400.jpg)

>be hotshot rebel pilot ready to assault death star
>new kid appears out of nowhere, is apparently a good pilot
>in the middle of a meeting talking about the attack
>say it's not possible to fit a photon torpedo into an exhaust port two meters wide, even for a computer because it PROBABLY ISN'T
>fucking little shit cuts me off and tells me he "it's not impossible" because he "used to bullseye womprats in his T-16 back home"
>asshole just called me out in front of whole squadron
>I hope his dad cuts his hand off so he can't jerk off anymore. I bet he wants to fuck his sister, too.

Anonymous (ID: JqqZdFfp) 07/29/13(Mon)15:37:30 No.496423595
File: 1375126650053.gif-(737 KB, 260x146, 1sg6k.gif)


ma nigga

Anonymous (ID: ewrXyyq6) 07/29/13(Mon)15:38:23 No.496423739
File: 1375126703659.jpg-(23 KB, 199x185, 1374413575678.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: HREK2HuH) 07/29/13(Mon)15:39:41 No.496423947 Replies: >>496425123

i dont get it, who's this about?

Anonymous (ID: VPAEwOAR) 07/29/13(Mon)15:40:03 No.496424016 Replies: >>496424397
File: 1375126803950.jpg-(146 KB, 720x960, image.jpg)

> be me, chilling on mushroom planet
>messing around with mag clone niggahs
>mfw I hear "order 66"
> ohshit.jpeg
>mfw shot in the face

Anonymous (ID: myAEnNmR) 07/29/13(Mon)15:40:22 No.496424063

sauce on pic?

Anonymous (ID: OPdUQeD8) 07/29/13(Mon)15:40:48 No.496424125
File: 1375126848780.jpg-(87 KB, 500x364, image.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: LQEKEAh/) 07/29/13(Mon)15:42:07 No.496424319
File: 1375126927848.gif-(945 KB, 200x200, yezzz.gif)

bless! >>

Anonymous (ID: SlUn8LzR) 07/29/13(Mon)15:42:38 No.496424397

That shit's hot

Anonymous (ID: GWwOtUlg) 07/29/13(Mon)15:43:23 No.496424520

le reddit army is here

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)15:45:12 No.496424835
File: 1375127112515.jpg-(25 KB, 250x233, BrenDerlin.jpg)

>be rebel, stationed on Hoth
>i have one job, close the shield doors
>that uppity bitch Leia tells me to keep them open for her friends
>mfw i hope they fucking freeze to death

Anonymous (ID: GRYKApvK) 07/29/13(Mon)15:46:22 No.496425043

lost it at spacebook.

Anonymous (ID: skNPa9xQ) 07/29/13(Mon)15:46:54 No.496425123

mark Hamill, who played Luke.
they added in the wampa/search scenes to explain his face. now he just does voice acting - the joker from animated Batman and the firelord from avatar the last airbender are voiced by hamill

Anonymous (ID: dY+LfM8A) 07/29/13(Mon)15:47:56 No.496425307

damn, was just googling dianoga images
too slow

Anonymous (ID: SlUn8LzR) 07/29/13(Mon)15:50:17 No.496425696

It rhymes

Anonymous (ID: LQEKEAh/) 07/29/13(Mon)15:50:25 No.496425713

newfag question:
how to i find/access the archived version at chanarchive??

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)15:51:11 No.496425837
File: 1375127471361.jpg-(33 KB, 250x297, Lumpy.jpg)

>be livin on Kashyyyk with my mom and grandad
>be autistic
>dad is never around, no child support
>almost fucking died last week
>there goes my confidence
>mfw 28yo living at home, full neckbeard

Anonymous (ID: d1e6C8Ku) 07/29/13(Mon)15:53:41 No.496426182
File: 1375127621570.jpg-(167 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg)

>be me
>high ranking Trade Federation employee
>still beta tho
>like to play things safe
>some darth lord tells my boss to invade
>get this
>that fucker calls me STUNTED SLIME
>shouldve told him off right there
>but being beta i just walk away
>realize i can do better

Anonymous (ID: d1e6C8Ku) 07/29/13(Mon)15:58:54 No.496426995

Goodbye to an amazing thread.

Anonymous (ID: uYQx1Fmi) 07/29/13(Mon)15:59:36 No.496427129 Replies: >>496430450 >>496431840
File: 1375127976851.jpg-(39 KB, 900x563, IMG_1241.jpg)

>Born and raised on Tatooine
>live an hours drive from the closest settlement
>family too poor to afford a landspeeder so whenever we have to get something from the city then im sent to get it, by walking
>dont have any bipedal friends and our closest neighbours are a family of rich assholes that brag about all the new things they buy
>seriously, they'd come home with new gadgets and droids all the time and be all smug about it when we use equipment from the Clone war era
>only friends i have are desert animals. Baby Jakrabs mostly, but Womprats were easiest to tame and befriend when they were adults
>have a good relationship with one particular Womprat that i name Snuggy-Rara
>learn to ride him to town. No more walking for me haha!
>family dont think im a gungan anymore when ive proven i can tame womprats as vehicles.
>parents double my dosage of blue milk
>life is good
>one day riding Snuggy to town to get some spare parts
>all is good
>then *bam*, a loud shot is heard and Snuggy falls to the ground
>get hurled through the air and land on hot sand face first
>i dont know what the fuck is happen
>find my womprat bleeding to death
>confused as fuck
>Hear someone scream "BOOM HEADSHOT" from behind some rocks nearby
>and wouldnt you believe it
>out steps the fucking neighbour kid with his smug smile and a rifle in is hand and says
>"My aim is getting better! Soon ill be able to join the rebel forces for sure!" then hands me a check for 100 credits and says
>"that should cover your rat friend, cya gungan"
>he cruises away on his brand new landracer and leaves me under the two suns
>nearly die on the way back home
>tell parents what happened but they dont believe me
>no more blue milk for me
>Fucking Skywalker faggots

pic related
my old home

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)16:00:39 No.496427331 Replies: >>496429540
File: 1375128039678.jpg-(12 KB, 320x240, 697-23933[1].jpg)

>Be slave on Tattoine
>Drinking one night down at the Cantina
>So very shitfaced
>Hook up with 8/10 guy, claims to be a fighter pilot.
>Wake up the next day, realize he's an ugly pig-nosed fucker.
>GTFO, avoid his calls, he eventually gives up.
>Months later, give birth to kid
>Not sure who the father is, I fucked around a lot
>mfw he's born with a bit of a pig nose
>Too ashamed to tell him who his real father is
>Make up bullshit story about immaculate conception
>Few years later, kid has grown into a whiny little cunt, getting tired of his shit.
>mfw some religious-fags want to take him away cause they think he's the messiah or some crap.
>pretend to be all protective of him
>Convince Watto to trade the kid off to them, he splits the profits with me
>mfw the religious fags actually go for it!
>they end up taking the kid off my hands
>finally I can have a quiet house to myself
>fuck around a lot more, this crippled fuck is really into me
>manage to get knocked up again, no idea who the father is, tell this crippled cunt he's the father (he can't even get an erection)
>mfw he buys my freedom and marries me
>have decent life on a moisture farm
>only hard part of my day is having to help Lars on to the toilet
>met some cute guy on BiggsList
>gonna go to town to hook up with him, told Lars I'm going shopping, to not wait up
>wish me luck!

Anonymous (ID: HtJGXGO7) 07/29/13(Mon)16:01:31 No.496427481
File: 1375128091546.jpg-(254 KB, 593x593, 1355679848996.jpg)


My sides you made me cry.

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)16:02:08 No.496427558
File: 1375128128458.jpg-(13 KB, 320x240, Crix Madine.jpg)

>be rebel general
>come up with plans so ridiculous, they just might work
>they work
>every calls me a tactical genius
>mfw nobody knows just how much money i spend on hair gel

Anonymous (ID: TSwLPBMw) 07/29/13(Mon)16:05:19 No.496428068
File: 1375128319459.jpg-(140 KB, 450x600, 236689_3052181_lz.jpg)

Ignore me, jus' postin' on epic thread

Anonymous (ID: s2c0FgG/) 07/29/13(Mon)16:11:03 No.496429010 Replies: >>496430034

>be me
>be fluent in over 6 million forms of communication
>taken hostage as god, due to my ridiculous gold paint job
>mfw I have legit Ewok army

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)16:11:08 No.496429021

goddamn 4chanarchive isn't working, keeps giving a 404 :' (

Anonymous (ID: BZDJc5gO) 07/29/13(Mon)16:12:04 No.496429175
File: 1375128724982.jpg-(67 KB, 407x482, 1367954549463.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: 5f9Hbvoh) 07/29/13(Mon)16:14:11 No.496429540
File: 1375128851915.jpg-(10 KB, 200x200, i laughed.jpg)


Anonymous (ID: s2c0FgG/) 07/29/13(Mon)16:16:26 No.496429892 Replies: >>496430034
File: 1375128986479.jpg-(22 KB, 450x239, c3po.jpg)

>be me
>be fluent in over 6 million forms of communication
>taken hostage as god, due to my ridiculous gold paint job
>mfw I have legit Ewok army

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)16:17:23 No.496430034

forgot to delete your first fuckup

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)16:18:26 No.496430207
File: 1375129106965.jpg-(13 KB, 320x240, Lobot.jpg)

>go by my hacker name, Lobot
>have super nigger speed wi-fi on Bespin
>50GB/sec download / 10GB/sec upload
>behind 7 proxies
>Imperial partyvan shows up
>delete all my CP like a motherfucker
>mfw I forgot to eject the hard drives to the planet below

Anonymous (ID: 2oTbHBko) 07/29/13(Mon)16:19:16 No.496430362

>have graduate degree in mathematics

oh god yes

Anonymous (ID: uYQx1Fmi) 07/29/13(Mon)16:19:49 No.496430450 Replies: >>496430969 >>496431840 >>496431882
File: 1375129189140.jpg-(28 KB, 628x278, Bob and Priscilla.jpg)

>family moves to the city and i start attending school
>other kids began studying a few years prior so i dont know shittly squat
>class mates think im a total gungan because i dont know basic space math and because i thought lightsabers were some sort of animal
>bullied and treated as sandpeople
>below average student
>family dont renew the Tatooine school tuition because they think ill fail the Star Exam anyway
>have to find a job
>only ones that will hire me for decent enough pay is the local crime syndicate
>start working as some fat worms hired goon
>have to occasionally kill someone for not paying protection money to my boss or for failing to smuggle contraband, but otherwise work is fine
>am still socially awkward from not having any friends so spend most of my time drinking at the bar and listening to the band play, occasionally snort some space cocaine with the keyboardist (biggest cokehead ive ever met and doesnt mind my awkwardness since he's totally spun and doesnt care)
>find myself less and less upstairs and start hang around the basement where Mr. J has all of his pets
>hit it off with the animal trainer there (lets call him bob) and we talk about animals all the time
>good guy
>his favorite animal is this big ass rancor that he named Priscilla that is really friendly. First time i met it it picked me up and i thought it was going to eat me, but Bob explained that it was just Priscillas way of greeting people and it was trying to lick me as a sign of friendship
>after that i spend all of my time with Bob and Priscilla and we play games togheter.
>Priscillas favourite game is hide and seek and we pretend that we cant find her, even though she takes up half the cave
>the best time of my life

Anonymous (ID: uYQx1Fmi) 07/29/13(Mon)16:23:02 No.496430969 Replies: >>496431141 >>496431840
File: 1375129382431.jpg-(69 KB, 1067x786, mr j sexing it up.jpg)

then one day everything went to shit
>a fucking jedi cis scum comes to the palace where i work and stirs some shit up, and you wouldnt believe who it is
>yup, old pal Luke Skyfucker who had come to free a statue or something.
>Mr. J wont have it and tricks Luke McFriendMurderer to fight Priscilla
you should have seen that asshole nearly wet his pants at the mere sight of her. I laughed like a child
>Priscilla just wants to lick that dipshit but he thinks she wants to eat him
>scream to him "dont worry, she just wants to give you a little kiss haha!"
>and what does he do?
>he fucking guillotines Priscilla with the gage door!
>Mr. Luke Fartwalker had now killed the second animal i loved
>I get enraged but try my main concern is to be there for Bob who is completely devastated
>as im holding the weeping Bob in my arms he asks me for a favor
"Kill that murderer.. Revenge Priscilla"
>and i was all too happy to oblidge
>next thing we know Skyfaggot will be executed, pirate style by jumping into a sandworm.
>i was asked to be one of the guards on the smaller skyboats overseeing the execution
>mad that i dont have the chance to kill him myself but as long as he dies im happy, right?

pic unrelated
our boss had us film him doing the nasties with his slave girls occasionally

Anonymous (ID: 0ehBePWD) 07/29/13(Mon)16:24:04 No.496431138


Anonymous (ID: uYQx1Fmi) 07/29/13(Mon)16:24:07 No.496431141 Replies: >>496431840
File: 1375129447115.gif-(461 KB, 329x272, force fucking kick.gif)

>>496430969 >wrong
>the fucker does some ninja shit on the plank and catches a bloody lampsaber that one of his fancy droids threw him and starts whacking my co-workers left and right
>see an opening where he's left his defenses unguarded
>move in for the kill
>fucker turns right at the last moment and you know what he fucking does?
>force kicks me right in the face!
>the bountyhunter that Mr. J had hired just flis by on his jetback without lifting a finger to help me. fucking mercs
>fall into the gaping sandworm alongside my co-workers
>we try to crawl up but there's no use. we are stuck
>even the fatass bountyhunter got stuck here and his jetpack fuel is all used so he can't fly away.
>we all lol at him
>hear noises from above and we suspect the J mans yacht speeder got blown up so there's no one who could save us
>All thanks to Puke Skywalker and his fancy fucking droids
>Thanks, asshole so I have been here in the sandworms belly ever since, browsing 4chan on my phone. The battery is solar powered and we get sunlight here for a couple of hourse a day, thank the Force. It's okay I guess. I mean, my co-workers think this is hell but I kinda like it. Being close to animals have always been my thing and you can't really get closer than being in one's belly but fuck, my battery life is getting low and there's no sun right now so i don't know how long i can type so ill part with these words: Fuck Luke Skyw

Anonymous (ID: xMUbNM2L) 07/29/13(Mon)16:28:27 No.496431840

9/10 for the filenames alone

Anonymous (ID: pwWfPpxH) 07/29/13(Mon)16:28:41 No.496431882
File: 1375129721550.png-(197 KB, 294x256, 1374433901084.png)

>>Priscillas favourite game is hide and seek and we pretend that we cant find her, even though she takes up half the cave
>>the best time of my life

Anonymous (ID: Jz/i7AKL) 07/29/13(Mon)16:29:04 No.496431958
File: 1375129744783.jpg-(127 KB, 900x748, 1358024920330.jpg)


>Basically this


After the cloners of whateverthefuckplanet became "Upset" with the empire, they mad ANOTHER clone army, to fight Palpatine's clones.

>tfw I have no idea who's on my side, they all look the same.

>no exact number of friendly fire deaths.

>Empire uses deathstar on Cloner planet
>Begins cloning from numerous templates/facilities.
>Begins recruiting poor dipshits from outer rim and inner-system planets.

>Still cannon fodder, just can't aim for shit anymore.

Pic unrelated

Anonymous (ID: IHBd6Qf5) 07/29/13(Mon)16:30:38 No.496432202 Replies: >>496432786 >>496432834
File: 1375129838207.jpg-(50 KB, 400x600, Luke2.jpg)

OP here, I have to go door some work now, so may the force be with you

Anonymous (ID: uYQx1Fmi) 07/29/13(Mon)16:34:05 No.496432786

Thanks for putting in the effort, man
I had fun both reading and writing.

But wait...
L... Luke?!
OP was Luke Skywalker?

Oh, well. Looks like I got the last laugh after all just by looking at your old face.

Anonymous (ID: d1e6C8Ku) 07/29/13(Mon)16:34:23 No.496432834 File: 1375130063751.jpg-(123 KB, 500x375, photo.jpg)

Greatest ending ever.

Anonymous (ID: i9zi9NFw) 07/29/13(Mon)16:35:42 No.496433021 File: 1375130142980.jpg-(6 KB, 263x191, images.jpg)

>be me, exiled jedi master living in the middle of some godforsaken desert planet for the last twenty years
>pathetic economy here, people get by farming fucking moisture if that makes any sense
>only joy in life is stalking the son of my former padawan turned space hitler
>one day I bump into him getting jacked by some sand niggers
>lured them away with fried chicken and tyler perry movies
>now its just me and him alone
>his hair is golden, perfect, and his body is tight and young
>the last time i was with someone who's force was that strong i shot a wad of cum 12 parsecs out into deep space
>it's been so long, i know i'll get defrocked if anyone finds out but like that nigger lando said "YOLO"
>i cant believe i'm starting to take his belt off
>i'm trembling but i'm oh so excited, it's been so long since i've eaten out a young jedi's asshole
>i reach down and i can feel it
>it's warm and even though this boy is knocked out i feel it slowly getting erect in my hand
>the force is strong in this one i think, i better cuff his balls
>i tighten my grip, im so excited....

>mfw I see some fucking droid pop out of the shadows with his fucking camera aimed at me and his goddammed recording light on.